1850. Claret arrives in Vic after his hospitalization for three months in Barcelona because of a complicated knee operation. Claret goes through Tarragona and returns through Barcelona with Caixal, dealing with securing the Libreria Religiosa.
1868. During these days Claret has to deny Mother Paris financial aid because he has given everything to Fr. Xifre for the foundation of the house of Jaca (Huesca).
FIRST FOUNDATIONS IN SPAINThere were foundations in Alfaro and Alagon (1875), Solsona and Calahorra (1878) and Pamplona (1880). On September 3, 1876, Fr. Antonio Pueyo, future Bishop of Pasto (Colombia), was sent to Cordoba to create the first foundation in southern Spain.
In 1877 Fr. Domingo Sola was in charge of the foundation in Madrid, on Toledo Street, no. 42. The interest of founding in the capital of Spain was great on the part of the General Superior; it was about being able to conduct business with the government of the nation. Fr. Jose Mata would succeed Fr. Sola and in 20 years would guide the works in Madrid, the magazine Iris de Paz, which lasted until 2017, and those of the Congregation to a great splendor. Fr. John Postius and Fr. Jose Dueso worked there tirelessly. From there they also attended to the Collegiate Church of San Isidro, with the Archconfraternity of the Heart of Mary, and later the Diocesan Seminary.

Venerable Jaime Clotet, CMF
Co-founder (1822-1898)Manresa (Barcelona, Spain). He studied Philosophy and Theology in Barcelona, moving later to Vic where he studied Moral Theology. He went to Rome to receive the priestly ordination. Returning to Spain, he held various pastoral positions but soon realized that it was not his vocation to cure souls. Advised by Mr. Passarell, Secretary of the Bishop of Vic, he met with Father Claret, whom he only knew by reputation. It was June 1849. In July he joined Father Claret to found the Congregation. Soon he was in charge of the first Brothers of the Congregation. In 1858 he was appointed Sub-Director General of the Congregation. In 1870 he accompanied Father Claret in Fontfroide during his last days and later wrote a Summary of his Life. In 1888 he ceased to be Sub-Director General and became Secretary. He wrote books on the catechesis for the deaf-mute and promoted the cause of the beatification of Father Claret. In 1898 he died in the house in Gracia (Barcelona) with a reputation for holiness. His cause for beatification has been introduced in Rome.

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Los valores puestos a prueba
De otro peligro peor me había también librado María Santísima por el estilo del casto José. Hallándome en Barcelona, iba alguna que otra vez a visitar a un compatricio mío. Con nadie de la casa hablaba sino con él, que al llegar me dirigía a su cuarto y con él únicamente me entendía; pero me veían siempre al entrar y salir. Yo entonces era jovencito, y, si bien es verdad que yo mismo me ganaba el vestido, me gustaba vestir, no diré con lujo, pero sí con bastante elegancia, quizá demasiada. ¿Quién sabe si el Señor me pedirá cuenta de esto en el día del juicio? Un día fui a la misma casa y pregunté por el compatricio. La dueña de la casa, que era una señora joven, me dijo que lo esperase, que estaba para llegar. Me esperé un poco, y luego conocí la pasión de aquella Señora, que se manifestó con palabras y acciones, y yo, habiendo invocado a María Santísima y forcejeando con todas mis fuerzas, escapé de entre sus brazos, me salí corriendo de la casa y nunca jamás quise volver, sin decir a nadie lo que me había ocurrido, a fin de no perjudicar su honor (Aut 72).

- ¿Cuál es tu reacción frente a situaciones que puedan poner en peligro tu castidad?
- ¿Evitas los peligros como por un cierto instinto espiritual sin presumir de tus propias fuerzas? (cf. CC 22).
- ¿Invocas a María para vivir con el corazón centrado en Dios?
El paso por las pruebas acrisola la vida misionera.
- ¿Cómo has vivido e integrado tus pruebas? ¿Has pedido ayuda?
“El Misionero Hermano es un miembro constitutivo de la Congregación claretiana,
llamado a ella personalmente por Cristo, y que, consagrado en ella plenamente a Dios,
recibe de Cristo el carisma claretiano-laical”
(Capítulo General XVIII. Los Misioneros Hermanos, 12).