1860. Claret recommends the Constitutions of the Sisters Adorers (Handmaids of the Blessed Sacrament and of Charity) to the Pope.
1867. Claret begins to send to all the bishops of Spain the catechism he presented to the Pope in November 1865 and which he wanted to implement as a single catechism.
NEW FOUNDATIONS THROUGH 1895During these years, many foundations were realized, including one in Almendralejo (1889), thanks to the prestige of Fr. Inocencio Heredero and of the Countess of Oliva. In Don Benito (1893), thanks to Don Jose Antonio Carrasco y Martin, and where they soon began to think about the teaching ministry; in Ciudad Rodrigo (1894), at the request of Bishop Mazarrasa; in Calatayud (1894), where they had already met the great preachers Fr. Gavin and Fr. Heredero; in Medina de Rioseco (1894), achievement of the bishop of Palencia Enrique Almaraz, former Dean of the Cathedral of Madrid, where he had met the Missionaries. In Valladolid (1894), work of the Prelate Mr. Cascajares, unconditional friend of the missionaries in Calahorra and Santo Domingo; in Ecija (1895), begun with certain economic difficulties; in Ciudad Real (1895), whose soul and support was Fr. Inocencio Heredero, who at that time attended simultaneously to the new foundations of Almendralejo, Don Benito, Ciudad Real and Zafra, of which he was Superior. His death, a month before signing the agreement, prevented the foundation in Manzanares.

Bishop of Mondoñedo (1812-1877)Toledo (Spain). He was a professor of Canon Law and Moral Theology at the Toledo Seminary. In 1861, he was appointed as Titular Bishop of Archis and Auxiliary Bishop of Toledo. Archbishop Claret attended his episcopal consecration in the Church of Las Salesas in Madrid. He was mainly concerned with confirming and conferring holy orders, visiting parishes and instructing the people. He participated in the First Vatican Council. He was then appointed as Bishop of Mondoñedo, where he died on February 18, 1877. Together with Claret and Bishop Tomas Iglesias Barcones, he was one of the three bishops who resided in Madrid at that time. He belonged, during the period of the First Vatican Council, to the Board or permanent commission of censorship with Manuel Obeso, Auditor of the Sacred Rota. Both considered, referring to Father Claret’s Catechism of Christian Doctrine, not having found anything contrary to Catholic dogma and healthy morality and considering it as recommended in many respects.

Life Plan
I followed a regular plan of life. Every year I made a ten-day retreat, a practice I have followed ever since I joined the seminary. Every eight days I received the sacrament of reconciliation. I fasted on Thursdays and Saturdays, took the discipline on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and wore the cilice on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. (Aut 107)
Every day before leaving the house I made my mental prayer alone…After meditation, we said the rosary together. (Aut 108)
I preached on all Sundays and feast days… (Aut 109)
Every day I celebrated Mass very early and went to the confessional, where I stayed as long as there were penitents. Every evening I walked through the main streets of the town, especially those where there were sick people. I visited them every day to bring them the Viaticum, until they either died or got better. (Aut 110).

- Do you have a “personal project” that guides your life and mission every day?
- What elements of this project do you need to reinforce in order to live with more fidelity and apostolic fruitfulness?
with all the tensions implicit in the confrontation of the present moment of salvation and the future coming of the Lord.”
(MCT 110)