1852. In the year that he has been Archbishop, he has already administered some 2,000 confirmations.
1862. Around this date, Claret finances the edition of an extract of Constitutions for Mother Paris and her nuns, while still waiting for the approval of Rome.
V GENERAL CHAPTER (1888)In 1888 the V General Chapter was held in Madrid from June 8-17. In it, Fr. Xifre was re-elected as Superior General. The apostolate of the Congregation was revised and the ministry of teaching, without any further reservations, was fully and officially adopted, understood as ancillary. The teaching ministry, although it did not seem to be restricted, very soon began to be practiced, thanks to the clarifications to the Rule given by the Founder himself and because of his apostolic suggestions. In his letter to Fr. Xifre from July 10, 1869, he wrote: As Superior General, when circumstances permit and you believe it opportune, appoint one or two qualified members to establish a school for children like those the Brothers of the Christian Schools have established throughout France, Italy and other countries. I believe they are doing exceptionally good work on behalf of the Church and will meet with even greater success in the future.

Carmelite Sister of Charity (1811-1889)Malgrat de Mar (Girona, Spain). Meeting with Saint Joaquina Vedruna in La Rambla de las Flores in Barcelona, she entered the Carmelite Sisters of Charity in 1830. She made religious vows in the presence of Father Claret, in Vic, in 1844. She was named Superior General. She was in contact with Father Claret, whom she greatly appreciated, especially in the time before the First Vatican Council and during its celebration, when the Saint was in Rome working on the approval of their Constitutions. In the circular letter that Mother Paula addressed to the Congregation following the approval of the Constitutions in 1880, without saying the name of the Saint, indicated that there had been some modifications, not substantial ones, by a zealous missionary and exemplary Prelate, who with good reason we hope will one day be venerated on the altars and in the Catalog of Saints. Mother Paula died with a reputation for holiness in Vic on February 23, 1889.

Parish Ministry
Once I had settled in the parish of St. Mary in Sallent, I was occupied both with daily studies and matters of the ministry. The pastor and I divided the work of preaching between us, alternating on the Sundays of Advent and Lent, and on Corpus Christi and other major feasts, when we preached from the pulpit at the principal High Mass. On other feast days we preached in the evening after we had finished teaching the catechism class. After two years as assistant, my superior made me administrator since the pastor had left for political reasons and I was left alone in administering the
parish. (Aut 106)

In Claret’s days, appointments of pastors and parochial vicars were forbidden, for that reason, they were called “priest assistant” and “priest administrator”, respectively.
- How do you remember your first assignments?
- What mark have they left on your missionary life?
- Do you share the mission you have received?
What comparisons! What parables!
I decided to imitate him with comparisons, similes and a simple style.”
(Aut 222)