1868. Claret starts Spiritual Exercises for the Sisters of the Pious Schools in Madrid.
1869. Fr. Dionisio Gonzalez appears in court of Colmenar Viejo (Madrid) representing Claret, who was exiled in Paris, to account for the supposed theft of jewelry from El Escorial.
OTHER FOUNDATIONS IN SPAIN THROUGH 1888In 1881 the house was founded in Las Palmas, Canary Islands. The foundation was carried out by Fr. Jose Prim, an engaging missionary of those islands. Fr. Hilario Brossosa strengthened his work. On July 14, 1881, the house of Zafra was founded. Fr. Ramon Genover was in charge of this foundation. In 1882 the house was founded in Balmaseda (Biscay), despite being a population of only 2,500 inhabitants, and in Tarragona in 1883. The Bishop of Lleida insistently requested a foundation in his diocese: in 1885 Fr. Pedro Mulleras arrived to organize this foundation, at the same time that cholera was raging in the city. The foundation in Jaen was also at the request of its Bishop, in 1885. In 1886 the house in Bilbao was founded, where Fr. Diego Gavin went as Superior. Plasencia was another foundation helped by the Bishop; Fr. Jose Navarro took possession of it in 1886. There were many foundations in just a few years, with many formandi.

Jose Dueso, CMF
Missionary and Publisher (1869-1943)Plan (Huesca, Spain). Propagator of the Catholic press. Immediately after his priestly ordination he was assigned to Madrid. And with him came countless initiatives for the dissemination of the Catholic press. He intended to create a prestigious and strong Catholic press that would confront the liberal press of the time. In 1899 he took over the magazine Iris de Paz. In 1909 Fr. Dueso led two projects of great importance: the foundation of a national Catholic newspaper, which could compete with the liberal newspapers of the capital, and the maintenance of the Associated Press, a Catholic Information Agency promoted by him, which had been created the previous year under the protection of the bishops. In 1920 there were 64 newspapers that received the Associated Press service. Fr. Dueso began to imagine a second era. It would include cinema, radio, posters, flyers, books, brochures, workshops and conferences, etc. With these new projects his exciting life came to an end.

A Particular Rhythm of Formation
The bishop would not ordain anyone who was enrolled in the complete course of studies until he was well-advanced in the course. He followed a regular procedure. After four years of theology, he conferred the four minor orders, preceded by a ten-day retreat. After the fifth year, he conferred the sub-diaconate, preceded by a twenty-day retreat. After the sixth year, he conferred the diaconate, preceded by a thirty-day retreat. Finally, after the seventh year, he conferred the priesthood, preceded by a forty-day retreat. (Aut 99)
Although this was his constant procedure, he altered it in my case, wanting to see me ordained sooner… (Aut 100)

The Bishop took into account Claret’s particular rhythm of formation, that is why he moved the ordination closer.
- How do you judge the help and respect of your formators in terms of your own personal rate of growth?
- Are you, on your part, understanding and flexible about the particular rhythms of others?
therefore, eminently in the passive sense of the expression:
a missionary sent and supported by the Virgin.”
(Juan M. Lozano, Mystic and Man of Action)