1849. In the morning Claret arrives at Agüimes (Canary Islands) and preaches in the afternoon.
1860. Currius is in Tremp with Mother Paris preparing the documentation that he is going to take immediately to Rome, with Claret’s recommendation as well.
1867. There was some attempt at disorder among the seminarians of El Escorial, but it was thwarted. I knew how glorious Saint Michael had dissipated everything; I heard the voice of St. Michael himself, who told me: Antonio, do not fear, I will defend you.
THE FOUNDATION (1849 -1858)
That July 16, 1849, once each of them were settled in his room, with a wooden bed, table and chair, basin and pitcher, and a lamp, the Spiritual Exercises began in which the Congregation would be founded: At 3:00 P.M. we were gathered together at the seminary. Before starting the Spiritual Exercises, Father Claret said: A GREAT WORK BEGINS TODAY. Fr. Manuel Vilaro responded smiling: “How important can it be, since we are so young and so few?” “You will soon see,” said Father Claret; “If we are few and young, then God’s great power will shine forth even more resplendently.” These words were collected by Fr. Clotet. After completing the Spiritual Exercises, Father Claret was appointed Superior. That same summer, in August, the ex-Benedictine Fr. Bernardo Sala, brother of Fr. Stephen, entered and in September, Brother Miguel Puig; both of whom later left for several reasons: Bernardo returned to the Benedictine life and Miguel left. On October 9, they left the seminary and stayed at the former convent of La Merced, as he had promised Bishop Casadevall.
JosEPH Busquet, CMF
General Consultor and Moral Theologian (1865-1927)
Santa Margarida de Montbui (Spain). He entered the Congregation in 1881, he had formators of great importance such as Fr. Juanola and Fr. Girbau. In November 1888, he was assigned to Rome by Fr. Xifre, together with Mariano Aguilar, Juan Ayneto and Manuel Pardinilla, to obtain a doctorate in Canon Law and Civil Law. Returning to Spain, he was appointed by Fr. Xifre as a professor of Moral Theology at the University Santo Domingo de la Calzada, a post he held for 20 years. He participated in the General Chapter of 1895, which dealt with the division of Provinces, as a substitute for Fr. Villaro, candidate for future General and who was seriously ill. In the General Chapter of 1899, after the death of Fr. Xifre, he was appointed General Consultor of the Congregation, a position he held until 1912. He died in Zafra (Badajoz). He was very well known because of his book Thesaurus Confesarii, an excellent manual of Moral Theology.
The Family
I was one of eleven children, six boys and five girls, whom I shall list in order, indicating the year of their birth:- My sister Rose, born in 1800. Formerly married, she is now a widow. She has always been hard-working, upright, and pious. She is the one who has loved me the most.
- My sister Marian was born in 1802 and died when she was two years old.
- My brother John (1804) was heir to all our goods.
- My brother Bartholomew (1806) died when he was two years old.
- Myself (1807 or 1808).
- One sister (1809) died shortly after birth.
- My brother Joseph (1810) married and had two daughters who became Sisters of Charity or Tertiaries.
- My brother Peter (1813) died when he was four years old.
- My sister Mary (1815) became a Tertiary Sister.
- My sister Frances (1820) died when she was three years old.
- My brother Manuel (1823) died when he was thirteen years old, after studying humanities in Vich. (Aut 6)

Think about your family.
- What role has it played and continues to play in your life?
- What do you value most about your family?
Without roots we cannot grow.
- Go back to your roots. Write down the names. Value your past, your family, your history.