1854. Claret asks the Governor of Cuba to raise the church of Baracoa to a parish, since it is the first point of the island where the faith arrived, and the first bishopric.
1866. Claret begins a novena to Our Lady of Sorrows in the Church of Montserrat (Madrid).
EXPANSION (1906-1922)
THE REVISION OF THE CONSTITUTIONSAs soon as the new General Government was elected, it began to work on preparing an improved text of the Constitutions. The new draft was ready in April 1910, to be studied at the XI General Chapter, in 1912. Fr. PantaLeon Casanueva was the one who worked the most on its improvement. It was his draft that Fr. Francisco Naval used to present at the Chapter. It was intended to anticipate the Code that was expected to be published shortly. There was a precise presentation of the idea of temporary vows and the elimination of the Provincial General Consultors. Nothing was said about the election of the Quasi-Provincials, first because it was already decided and second because they did not want to cause alarm in the participants of the Chapter with the danger that, in turn, they would also take opposing positions. This project of revising the Constitutions was authorized by a letter-prologue from the Superior General, Fr. Martin Alsina, who presented it as the main subject of study and subsequent chapter deliberations, together with other points that were listed as an integral objective of the impending Chapter.
Modesto Arnaus, CMF
Martyr of Choco (1896-1947)Oristá (Barcelona, Spain). On May 21, 1921, he was ordained a Claretian priest in Zaragoza. In 1925 he boarded a ship in Barcelona bound for Venezuela in the company of Fr. Cervello and Fr. Adern, who were going to Colombia and subsequently worked and died in that country. Because of his great practical talent and his zeal as an authentic Claretian, he was considered very appropriate for the mission in Choco and he joined it in 1937. March 15, 1947, was the eve of elections in Choco, a region of the Colombian jungle in the northwest of the country. The Claretian Missionaries had taken on, among other responsibilities, defending the indigenous people against economic and political exploitation. Fr. Arnaus saw that a chief was returning from picking up some indigenous people to vote. The missionary, asserting his title of protector of the indigenous as representative of the central government, confronted the chief. A shot sounded. Fr. Arnaus fell to the ground without even a sigh.
The Example of the Apostles
I am also much encouraged by reading the Acts of the Apostles. St. Peter in his first sermon converted three thousand men, and in his second, five thousand. With what great zeal and fervor he preached! And what shall I say of St. James, St. John, and the other Apostles? With great concern and zeal they rushed from one kingdom to another, preaching zealously and without human fears or concerns, considering that God must be obeyed rather than men! This was their answer to the scribes and Pharisees when the latter forbade them to preach! Scourging could not intimidate them into giving up their preaching; on the contrary, they counted themselves… (Aut 223).
Also the zeal of St. Paul has always awakened my deepest enthusiasm. He went from place to place, a chosen vessel, carrying the teaching of Jesus Christ. He preached, wrote, and taught in synagogues, prisons—everywhere. He worked and made others work, in season and out of season. He suffered scourgings, stonings, persecutions of all sorts, as well as the fiercest calumnies, but he was never daunted; on the contrary, he so rejoiced in tribulations that he could say that he did not wish to glory, save in the cross of Jesus Christ. (Aut 224).
- What does it mean for you to proclaim the Gospel in the style of the Apostles?
- Are the Apostles an example and a motivation for your apostolic zeal?
- What excites you about the apostle St. Paul?
that it maintains itself in a state of permanent conversion.”
(MCT 148)